Tuesday, September 09, 2008


From Weewee & Jess
From Kour Productions & CrewsadeAnimation friends
They actually put the venom statue into this bomb looking box downstairs to scare me...
but sadly, i wasn't wearing my specs and i just walked over it. SORRY GUYS.
Wee & I at Sakura Buffet
Jess & I 
I look terrible in most of the picture, so for once,  decide to turn away.haha
Dont get us or her wrong. She was jus expressing her freedom of single-ness. haha. 

took this picture when we finally blade and cycle our way to changni airport. sadly
andrea couldn't catch up to appear in this picture. 

i miss blading. its hell lotsa fun!
why do i always have to look so obviously tall!?!?
guess what we're taking? 

Raj & Greg's secret love with each other !!!! 

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