I had to do something really really really stupid for betty yeo shi mee yesterday ;not gonna say what i did, but it was because she was upset with my previous post. She said it was pathetically short and meaningless compared to hers so therefore! I am going to retype one more just for her =D.
when she first knew me, i was like all knowledgeable and awesome because of my works in school. but now, almost every sentence of hers has a 'you stupid or what' in it. LOL. Almost all the time she bites and slaps me when shes stress or just so she can hear the 'piak!' sound or see the bite marks. i do miss the times when i was still "Jake" that tall guy that attracted her just by a little. But I miss her even more now when shes not around although i see her almost every single day, calling me "Nam" a guy now clumsy and stupid to her yet loves so much more. =D
There are times when we're just tired and in complete silence, these are the times when i look at her carefully. I see not only the girl I love but someone so responsible, loving and caring. Sure there are times when she is tired of things, taking care of the whole family and so independently solving her own problems. She deserves a rest and so much more. I can't even imagine myself in her place. B, you're really amazing. Many times, she throws her small tempers on me;well i can be really stupid at some stuff but i will always just take it in because at least now when shes upset, tired and frustrated, I am there for here to vent alittle fire in her heart. =) that is why of all people, she i can take all the heat from. Even if I get angry, I always try to take it easy, not because I'm scared to offend her but it's because she really deserves a let out. Best part is she always hugs me after that. awwwww.
The first time I see her doing her housework, I was in awe. From mopping, cooking, cleaning to tidying. Every single thing to be done in the house... God, I just want to help her. Or at least be around. To be frank, I am seriously lazy at home. Aside my room, I dont really care much about the other stuff at home but now when I see cloths not folded, dishes not washed, ill do them. That's when I miss her too. HAHAHAHA. pardon the mushy-ness
I use to nag and complain to God why that someone just dont come. That was since 5 years ago. I'm not looking for a girl, not looking for a pretty face, not looking for someone hot. i'm looking for someone that I really love and someone that loves me too. And when you love someone that much, that person is the prettiest and the most attractable but still you are really pretty! Even the imperfections/venerability becomes something of a close connection only you and the person dare share. That is what i have with her and what i treasure more than anything.
And above all that I have said, especially the bites and the slaps.
Every part of you I love and Every time of yours I want to share. =D
God always listen to your prayers. Just have to be patient and wait for the time to come.
Like i always say to you. Really want to see us go all the way till we're wrinkly and fat.